Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Leadership, Thankfulness, and the Christmas Spirit

Christmas is a great time of year for many reasons.  One is that's it usually forces us to consider how lucky we are, and to be thankful for the many blessings we have.  My blessings include a wonderful wife, and two great sons.  And, we're all in good health. 

Even though I'm thankful throughout the year, and try not to take these things for granted, Christmas is a special time for reflection on all these blessings.  A time to thank God, and the people in our lives, for how they make our lives better.

In the world of leadership, it's probably the same.  But how much do we go out of our way to thank those in the business world for what they do for us?  Especially at this time?  I mean more than just a Christmas card.

Clients come to mind.  Also friends and business colleagues who are there when we need them, to share our joys and accomplishments, and also our frustrations and disappointments.  And other good people who, simply by what they do, make our work lives easier.  These people also make our lives better.

We should thank them during the year.  But we should also thank them at Christmas.

So, thank you for all you've done for me throughout the year.  Now it's your turn to thank the people who are important in your life, the people who make your life better.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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