Friday, July 9, 2010

Lindsey Lohan Lurks in Your Workplace

First a disclaimer.  I don't know much about Lindsey Lohan.  I've never seen her in a movie.  I couldn't have identified her in a photo lineup before this week.  Sure, I'd seen the headlines over the years, but it was only this week that I actually clicked on a headline to see what was going on. 

Lohan's explanations before the judge reminded me of what I often see in the workplace:  People who always have an excuse, and manage to shift blame away from themselves.

Lohan had plenty of excuses for missing court dates.  She was on location filming, or was stranded in Cannes.  It wasn't her fault.

Think of the judge as Lohan's boss.  When the boss tells you to be somewhere, you find a way to get there.  If you screw up, you take responsibility for it.  You don't look around for excuses.

The workplace has plenty of examples of people who play the blame game.  I didn't get the email.  Or, the other department made the mistake.  Or it's the rough economy that's responsible for my problems.

On the highway, you see signs that say "Lane Shift Ahead."  In some workplaces, with some people, the sign should say "Blame Shift Ahead," because you know they're going to shift the blame anywhere away from themselves.

If you're the leader, you don't play the blame game.  You take personal responsibility for your mistakes.  And you don't allow others to play the blame game. You confront the Lindsey Lohans of the workplace, and call them out. 

Like the judge in Lindsey Lohan's case, you let them know that THEY are responsible for their actions, and for the unpleasant consequences of those actions.

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