Saturday, August 20, 2011

Choice is a Key to Motivation, Engagement

Leadership Unlimited, August 2011
A monthly column by Terry Wall
Choice is a Key to Motivation, Engagement

As leaders, we get used to telling people what to do, and how to
do it. It’s a habit we need to break, especially if we’re
trying to motivate and engage our direct reports, and the rest
of our organization. A sense of choice is a key to motivation
and engagement.

According to Ken Thomas, author of Intrinsic Motivation at Work,
a sense of choice is one of four elements of intrinsic
motivation. (The others are a sense of meaning, competence,
and progress.)

Giving people a sense of choice also promotes accountability.
When people feel that the choice is theirs, that they’re in
control, they’re more likely to accept the consequences of their
actions, and thus hold themselves accountable for the results of
their actions.

A third reason to give people choices is that it promotes
innovation. People are more likely to take calculated risks, to
try new approaches, in an environment the rewards innovation and
risk-taking. Innovation is how we develop new, creative
solutions to old and current problems.

But sometimes we get stuck in a mindset of giving orders and
direction. Successful organizations are moving away from
“command and control,” cultures of micromanagement, and moving
towards collaboration.

What can you do to give people a sense of choice?

Give broad direction. Rather than giving specific instructions
in how to do something, give the overall goal, and let them
develop the methods for achieving that goal.

Ask for feedback on choice-related issues. People have
different styles and preferences for how they like to work, and
to achieve goals. We presume that everyone likes to do things
the way we do them, and that is often not true.

Learn the language of choice. Instead of telling people what to
do, start asking. “Get me this report by 5pm Monday” is an
order. “Since the customer needs the report at 8am Tuesday,
when can you get me the report?” is a request that gives the
other person a choice.

Look at things you currently require to see if you can give
people a choice. You’ll probably find that a lot of them don’t
need to be done a certain way, but could be left up to the

Apply this principle to customers and vendors. Remember that
customers, vendors, and suppliers need choice as well. If
you’re trying to motivate them to meet your organization’s
needs, giving them a sense of choice may make sense.

Of course, emergencies require decisive leadership. If there’s
a fire in the building, you don’t say, “Leave if you want to.”
You say, “Fire—get out! Let’s go!”

Another exception might be performance problems. If a direct
report isn’t performing, you might need to give straightforward
requirements on necessary improvements. But even then, you’re
giving the person a choice: Improve, or accept the

Giving direct reports a sense of choice is the best way to
motivate them, to get them engaged in their work, and more
committed to the organization’s purpose.

How well do you promote a sense of choice? What actions should
you take to give people more choice?

Until next edition, keep leading the way!

Copyright (C) 2011 by Terry Wall

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